Community lottery reaches 100 good causes
18 March 2025
Teignbridge Lottery for Communities has reached the significant milestone of supporting 100 good causes across the district.
The 100th good cause is Safebreaks Devon CIC, which is based in Newton Abbot and provides dedicated high quality, person-centred support, helping adults with additional needs build confidence, independence, and new abilities.
Zena Fisher, Managing Director of Safebreaks Devon CIC said: “We were told about the Teignbridge community lottery by the South Devon Asperger's group, who are also one of the Teignbridge lottery beneficiaries.
“We found this a great opportunity to promote Safebreaks Devon CIC whilst helping the wider community, the lottery gives us a platform to network, and together we can all benefit more and support each other.”
Teignbridge Lottery for Communities was first launched in December 2022 and 60% of all ticket sales goes to good causes in the district - 50% to a chosen good cause and 10% to a central fund.
So far over 194,959 tickets have been sold, with winning prizes totalling £28,575 and one lucky winner scooping the monthly prize draw, provided by Gatherwell, our lottery manager.
As well as individual good causes benefiting, 10p from each ticket sale is allocated to a central fund and through this fund the lottery offers an additional yearly small grants fund, which is open to all good causes. A total of over £30K has been allocated in small grants funding so far.
Good causes wanting to be involved can find out more information and register on our Teignbridge Lottery for Communities website.
Tickets are just £1, to find out more and buy tickets visit the website.
Players must be 18 years and over. Be Gamble Aware.
Our causes are on track to raise £47,798.40 this year
1,532 tickets of our 5,470 ticket goal
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